結論: 趕快採取壓制管制策略,限制群聚活動!
「The crucial piece of evidence came from the scientists at Imperial College London who first realised the scale of the problem in China and whose advice is heavily influential in government.
They assessed three strategies:
Suppression - break chains of transmission, effectively trying to stop the epidemic in its tracks, and bring cases down as low as possible, as China has done
Mitigation - accept you cannot stop the coronavirus so slow its spread and prevent a massive peak in cases that would overwhelm the NHS while trying to protect those most at risk of severe disease, which appeared to be the UK strategy last week
Do nothing - and let the virus rip through the population
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IN-DEPTH: Coronavirus pandemic
It was on only Friday that Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, explained the mitigation plan to the BBC.
He said: "Our aim is to try and reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not suppress it completely.
"Also, because the vast majority of people get a mild illness, to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease."
If mitigation worked it would have avoided the most draconian measures other countries have used and built up immunity, which would help limit the spread of coronavirus.
Mitigation involves some social distancing strategies, while suppression beefs up those measures, including possible restriction of movement and increased periods of isolation.
The modelling projected that if the UK did nothing, 81% of people would be infected and 510,000 would die from coronavirus by August.
The mitigation strategy is better, but would still result in about 250,000 deaths and completely overwhelm intensive care in the NHS.
The experience of Italy, and the first cases in the UK, led to this dawning realisation.
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image caption
Doctors in Italy take a patient to intensive care
About 30% of cases that end up in hospital are expected to need intensive care, such as ventilators or ECMO machines, which take over the job of breathing from the lungs.
That is quite simply beyond the ability of the NHS to cope.
The analysis estimated the limits of intensive care would be "exceeded by at least eight-fold" even under the most optimistic mitigation plans.
"Even with the sort of interventions which were being planned and been announced last week, there would be a risk of intensive care units being overwhelmed," said Prof Neil Ferguson from Imperial.
The report concludes "suppression is the only viable strategy at the current time". It is hoped deaths could be limited to the thousands or tens of thousands.
The government has always said it is following the science and the science has changed profoundly.
Hence, we should be waving goodbye to pubs, clubs and theatres, work from home and isolate whole households if any one person becomes sick.」
mitigation plan 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的精選貼文
城規會就三跑規劃進行公眾諮詢,在大家努力下第一輪諮詢有超過12,200份的反對申述,只有四份的支持申述。但程序尚未完成,第二次公眾諮詢即將結束,正反雙方要再就對方申述提出意見,切勿輕視每個程序,對手有機會反動員更多的支持意見,所以請花幾分鐘時間再發表意見,以下是人人監機會的範本,可供大家參考,電郵至 tpbpd@pland.gov.hk , 記住九月七日,即星期一晚上11時59分就會截止。
Please make your comment on Representations in respect of Draft Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan No.S/I-CLK/13 by sending your email to tpbpd@pland.gov.hk before 11:59PM 7th September, next Monday. Below we provide you with the sample letter, please select the points randomly.
Comment on Representations In Respect of Draft Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan No.S/I-CLK/13
The following comments are made under Section 6A(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance (TPO) in respect of the representations.
Comment on Representations No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-1 to 4
1. The representations support the 3R System (3RS) as Hong Kong needs the 3RS to sustain competitiveness and growth. The support has been made on the basis that the 3RS would achieve the target capacity as claimed by Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK). It must be pointed out that there is serious doubt that the 3RS would be able to achieve its target capacity as explained in Representation No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/1-392 and many other representations. In this regard the support is not substantiated.
2. The representations support the 3RS because of constraint of runway capacity and that the 3RS is required for Hong Kong’s medium to long-term demand and maintain competitiveness of HKIA from other airports in the region. There are other alternatives which may increase the runway capacity of the airport. The AAHK however has failed to explain to the general public what action or thorough studies they have undertaken to identify the most feasible one in terms of environmental, social as well as economic impact. And the process of how the 3RS becomes AAHK’s most favourable scheme and the criteria for which the alternatives were assessed have not been disclosed to the public. In other words the selection process has not been conducted in a transparent manner. It is thus very doubtful whether the 3RS is the most feasible option to address the problem of capacity constraint.
3. Representation No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-3 opine that the expanded airport combined with Tung Chung New Town Extension Development would be emerged for a new tourism hub for PRD region with retail and commercial facilities. The prime purpose of the HKIA, as stipulated in the Airport Authority Ordinance, shall, with the objective of maintaining Hong Kong’s status as a centre of international and regional aviation, provide, operate, develop and maintain an airport at and in the vicinity of Chek Lap Kok for civil aviation. The support is therefore based on wrong premise.
4. Representation No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-3 also consider the EIA thorough and well-balanced and that the proposed marine park will ensure the prosperity of marine life. It was shown that after completion of infrastructure projects Chinese White Dolphin has been observed to repopulate the region soon after completion of works. Such support is stemmed from misunderstanding on the quality of the EIA report content, which has been challenged by many dolphin experts and environmentalists for its incompliance of the EIA Ordinance during the public inspection period. In fact, the decision to approve the EIA report by EPD is now subject of judicial review and is awaiting the ruling of the court. The challenge is based on the inadequacy of the EIA report to properly address the construction phase impact on the local dolphins, and ineffectiveness of proposed compensation measures with very little evidence the local dolphin population would recover from such massive habitat loss at the 3RS footprint. It is a consensus among the leading dolphin experts, environmentalists and ACE members that the proposed marine park to be established after the seven-year long construction would not be adequate to compensate for the habitat loss to the dolphins.
申述書中No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-3認為,環評報告和建議的海岸公園已平衡了海洋生態的影響,中華白海豚會在工程完成後重新返回棲息地。有關的看法是源於對環評報告的錯誤理解,因為環評報告已被多名海洋生態學者和保育人士批評違反了環評條例,同時亦面對司法覆核的挑戰正等候法庭審訊。其中一個重要論點正是挑戰環評報告忽略補償於建造期間所造成的海洋生態影響,環評報告根本無法證明,所提的的措施可有效回復中華白海豚因三跑工程而失去的棲息地。
It is noticed that apart from Representations No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-1 to 4 the remaining of the over 12,200 representations object to the 3RS on various reasons such as disturbance to villages and communities in the neighbourhood of the airport. The Board should give due consideration to these representations and AAHK should consider mitigation measures before the project should proceed further. The safety issues mentioned at, among others, Representations No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-400 should be dealt with thoroughly and all relevant studies mentioned should be undertaken and considered by the Board. The reasons mentioned at all other representations should also be considered thoroughly by the Board otherwise should the 3RS materialize and fail to achieve its target capacity the Board and relevant Government departments will be held responsible.
超過12200份反對的申述中,其中包括對於鄰近居民及社區所造成的各種滋擾影響,委員會應給予適切的回應及機管局在工程進一步發展前考慮給予補償或減輕影響的措施。同時,申述書 No. TPB/R/S/I-CLK/13-400所提出的安全問題亦應徹底處理。委員會應認真處理所有意見書提出的理據,否則三跑落實後而又未能達至預測的效益,則城規會及相關政府部門要負上責任。
In view of the above it will be premature to proceed with the amendments to the Draft Plan further and that the Board should propose amendments to delete the amendments to the Draft Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan No.S/I-CLK/13.
基於以上的反對意見,圖則的修訂過早提出。城規應 刪除所有的修訂。
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